Sunday, June 22, 2014

Traditional Hogan 6/21/14

We were out and about today and ran across this hogan display which is more typical of what an actual Navajo hogan would look like.  The log's are chinked with mud, the roof is also dried mud,  the floor is dirt and instead of a central fireplace this one has a cast iron stove, which would serve as a source of heat in the winter and for cooking.
Betsy is painting up a storm, and enjoying every minute of it.  We talked with the head Ranger and learned that our hogan is almost never open to the public, but if we would like, we could invite people in during our stay.  So while Betsy paints, if someone wanders toward the hogan, my new job is to serve as tour guide.  If we're eating or just want to be left alone the hogan came with a sign saying that the hogan is occupied and please respect the privacy of the occupants.

We found out that about 200 people visit the actual trading post per day, but of the 200 only about half stop at the visitors center.  Also learned that there are more visitors on weekdays than on Sat or Sun which seems a bit strange.

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