Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Snowbird Journal--Oct 28 Portales to Roswell

We had a much warmer night since the temps didn't fall as much as the night before. We are two hours behind Indiana time, and are trying to adjust our schedule so we're not up at 4 AM local time. We pretty much forced ourselves to stay in bed until 6 AM local time. After a quick breakfast we hit the road for Roswell. I expected the road to be two lanes but it stayed four lanes all the way and traffic was super light all the way. After arriving in Roswell we drove around town but never did find anything that looked even remotely alien or otherworldly. I'm pretty sure that Tippy and I were protected by our AFCPD's (Aluminum Foil Cranial Protection Devices). Betsy refused to participate in our AFCPD plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Tipper "loved" having his new protective head gear on. I wished Jim and I were there as we would have gladly participated in the experiment.
Ed Bob