Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 15- 16 -Edisto Beach, South Carolina

Day 15-16, April 2 thru April 3, Edisto Island
We’ve been busy little beavers the past couple of days. The weather has been gray and rainy, but we’ve gotten a ton of stuff packed up in the house. Let me tell you, Imelda Marcos had nothing on Miss E as far as shoes go. Lord A Mighty. I’ve never seen so many shoes. I was working on getting the crystal packed up and happened to notice Tipper walking sorta funny. He’d take a step or two and stop and then put his nose back toward his right rear hip. Then he would repeat the process. I went in to find out what the problem was and discovered that he had somehow run across an old sticky trap for mice. It had attached itself on his right side and believe you me it was on there tight.
We tried to pull it off of him, but that didn’t work at all. We ended up have to cut it away from him. Consequently he has a little less hair on the rights side now. Jamie
note: The picture has nothing to do with the work camp. I didn't want to disappoint those who enjoy the beautiful beach! Look closely and you will see a sizable squadron of pelicans. Betsy

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